How to use Google & social ads to market your event

The main goal of marketing for events is to bring as many people as possible to your event.

How To Use Google Ads and Social Ads to Market Your Event

However, with so many events happening around the world, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and reach your target audience.

That’s where PPC for events comes in. In this guide, we’ll explore how PPC for events can help you reach your event goals, provide examples of how PPC management has worked for other event marketers and highlight what you need to look out for when choosing a PPC agency for your event’s marketing.

PPC for events is an effective way to reach your target audience and increase your event attendance. With PPC, you can create targeted ads that appear on search engines and social media platforms, ensuring that your event is seen by people who are interested in attending. Digital marketing for events is also cost-effective, as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Hiring a PPC agency for events marketing means you can focus on what really matters, letting a team of experts get on with optimising your ad groups, adding negative keywords and tweaking your demographics.

Google ads for events offers a number of benefits, including:

  1. Increased Event Attendance: Appear 1st on Google, meaning you benefit from 30 times more traffic as the person ranking 10th.

  2. Increased Brand Visibility: Digital marketing for events can increase your brand’s visibility and awareness, as your ads will appear on search engines and social media platforms. This will help keep your event front of mind even for those who aren’t ready to convert straight away.

  3. Cost-Effective: PPCis a cost-effective digital marketing strategy for events, as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

  4. Targeted Advertising: PPC for events allows you to target specific demographics, interests, and locations, ensuring that your event is only seen by the right people.

Roar is no ordinary PPC management service”, but don’t just take one client’s word for it. Our team of experts has worked with a range of event marketers and has seen incredible results. For example:

Advertising conversions have increased exponentially and so have the number of areas of the business we are able to support.

– Head of Marketing, London

London based Winter pop up event saw an ROI of 1000% in just 10 days after their Google ads account went live with Roar.

The Curling Club

Since Roar took over, PPC management increased location visibility online by 800%.

Hamptons Estate Agents, UK & International

  1. Define your goals: Be sure to layout exactly what you are hoping to achieve with your google ads or social ads campaign . Is it awareness? Event attendance? Setting this early and clearly will ensure your campaign is accurately targeting the right people.

  2. Learn about your audience: You’ll need to know the language your audience use, how they use the platform you advertise on.

  3. Write persuasive ad copy: This is what will convince your user to click your ad. Write short, punchy copy that entices the user.

  4. Schedule your ads: This will depend on the platform you use to market your event. If you are using Google ads to market your event you will need to schedule for when you users are searching. Whereas, when you advertise on social media for your event you’ll target your ads based on when they will be most active on the platform.

  5. Finally, you will need to continue to optimise your account. Adjusting your budget, scheduling and the targetable keywords. This is an ongoing process, as you learn from the success of your ads you can adjust your plan to ensure it is as successful as possible.


Here are some tips to help you choose the right PPC agency for your business:

  1. Look for experience: Choose an agency that has experience working with businesses in your industry.

  2. Check their credentials: Look for agencies that are Google certified and have a proven track record of success.

  3. Review their portfolio: Look at the agency’s portfolio to see examples of their work and the results they have achieved for their clients.

  4. Ask for references: Ask the agency for references and speak to their past clients to get a better understanding of their experience working with the agency.

  5. Consider communication: Choose an agency that communicates clearly and frequently, providing you with regular updates on the progress of your campaigns.

If you’re interested in PPC for events, Roar can help. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a tailored PPC strategy that meets the goals for your events that matter most to you. We can help you start in a number of ways for free, PPC account audits, personalised reports on industry insights, and location visibility analysis.

PPC management for events is a cost-effective and targeted way to increase your event attendance and brand visibility. By partnering with a trusted PPC management service like Roar, you can ensure that your event is seen by the right people and achieve your event goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your PPC strategy.


How do I make a PPC plan?

To make a PPC plan you’ll need to know 3 things: What are your goals for PPC? What budget do you have to spend? Do you have the time to manage you ads or do you need to hire an agency to do it for you? Once you’ve defined your goals, creating an account on Google ads will be easy and you can start building your campaigns and groups. Don’t forget to input your target audience.

You can easily promote and event with Google ads by setting up a campaign targeting the people you want to attend your event. Within google ads you can market your event via display ads on webpages or in the Google search results page. Promoting an event with Google ads is a great way to increase the attendance of your events.

You can market events on google in two major ways. One way is through good SEO, that is making sure your website is optimised for Google so that people searching for your event can find you. The second, and more popular way is to use Google ads to market your events, you can set up an ad that targets those who have visited your website to remind them of your event.

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