Email marketing

99% of consumers open their inbox daily, making email marketing a powerful tool for directly communicating with your customers, engaging committed subscribers and generating a high ROI.


Average open rate

Reach your most engaged customers

It’s cost-effective and ideal for lead generation. Very few marketing strategies focus on building trust and connection with your clients in the same way. This approach improves conversion rates and enhances your marketing success whilst protecting your brand.

We offer a comprehensive solution for email marketing that drives engagement, builds customer relationships, and delivers measurable results.

Full strategy development

  • We will conduct an in depth analysis of your business objectives, target audience, and current marketing status.
  • Develop a strategic plan that aligns with your unique business needs and KPIs.
  • Constant communication about your goals (e.g. brand awareness, sales, lead nurturing), so you can monitor your performance.

Campaign management

We will handle all end-to-end campaign management from planning, scheduling, execution, monitoring to reporting:

  • Develop detailed campaign plans with content calendars for each target area.
  • Oversee creation and deployment of emails, ensuring the highest standards for each email.
  • Through campaign monitoring in we can make adjustments for optimisation.
  • We constantly conduct A/B tests to compare email elements and maximise effectiveness overtime.


Automated email sequences keep your brand front of mind, whether that’s a welcome series highlighting your brand values, a drip campaign, or transactional emails like abandoned carts. Maintaining consistent communication strengthens your relationships through perfectly timed emails, personal to each user.

Our work

Pitchside Hopsitality

A luxury hospitality provider, operate in a fast-paced industry where timely client communication is key and data protection is vital. Their email campaigns cover a range of industries, services and audience types. Providing its own unique challenges.

  • 8 Month strategy planned in advance and executed in partnership with Pitchside Hospitality
  • Data optimisation resulting in reduce spend and better segmentation
Open Rate

We believe in the power of AI

Data collection

Data is at the core of successful marketing campaigns. By utilising the latest technology, we efficiently collect and analyse email data, enabling us to create personalised, targeted email campaigns.


Through extensive list management and data protection, your domain and brand remain strong whilst your reputation grows.


Open rate

Analytics & reporting

We offer comprehensive reports with actionable recommendations for optimisation. Providing detailed insights into key metrics (open rates, click-through rates and ROI), using advanced tracking tools to monitor campaign performance.

Email marketing software

Find out how email marketing fits into your marketing strategy now


Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to a group of recipients to promote products, services, or content. It aims to build relationships with customers, drive engagement, and boost sales by delivering personalised and relevant messages directly to their inboxes.

Brand marketing enhances brand awareness, builds customer loyalty, and differentiates your business from competitors. It fosters trust and credibility, leading to increased customer retention and higher sales. Consistent brand messaging across various channels strengthens your brand identity and drives long-term business growth.

Choosing an email marketing platform depends on your needs and budget. Popular options include MailChimp for its ease of use, HubSpot for its robust CRM integration, and Klaviyo for its cost-effective automation features. Evaluate platforms based on their functionality, scalability, and customer support. Always ask your email marketing provider for their advice too.

GDPR requires obtaining explicit consent from subscribers before sending them emails. It mandates transparent data collection, allowing users to access, rectify, and delete their data. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, so it’s crucial to implement GDPR-compliant practices to protect user privacy and maintain trust. At roar, privacy and compliance come first.

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